The useful care items for someone living on the streets are listed below. Have additional ideas? You can always expand on our list. See what others have done.
Print wellness and health tips that were created with homeless individuals in mind. (We will continue to list more printable tips.) Feel free to take screenshots or download them onto your phone if you prefer — All printables are linked below.
Our research team has created informational reports on homelessness statistics for US cities. Download a sample report. Let us know where you are doing outreach, and we can send you your city’s report so you can be knowledgeable about where and how you can be most helpful.
Fill out our visit log form and click button below. This allows you to track your excellent work, while also helping us to improve Street Care for homeless people and for volunteers like you.

- Wellness Tips
- Health Tips
- Wellness Info
- Care Bag Labels ( b/w or color )
- About Us ( b/w or color )
More Ideas
Here are things other creative Street Care volunteers and friends have provided:
Cost-free, simple gestures can help foster meaningful connections.
- On your daily commute, you can use jugs or repurposed containers for water, or add lemonade mix, or tea bags, etc.
- The best way to engage with homeless people is while you’re preparing to serve these items with them.
- Dedicating even just 3-5 minutes of daily help can make a bigger difference than a single 10-hour volunteer day.
- No fancy equipment or big budgets needed…just the willingness to connect and share!
- Share winter items: hand-warmers, gloves, scarves and hats.
- Combs, Washcloths
- Men and women’s underwear are often difficult for homeless people to find. You can bring a supply in several sizes.
- Bus passes are often needed by people on the streets.
- Consider stores to donate items. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we can work with local stores to have items donated.
- Restaurants may be willing to share leftover food or drink items for distribution. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we can work with local stores to have items donated.
- Organize street cleanups in areas where homeless people live. This is a great environmental solution that enables you to connect with homeless people and gain their trust.